環境DNA研究の最前線:海水から魚の種類や量を知る技術/The forefront of environmental DNA research

English follows Japanese

里海生態保全学分野/舞鶴水産実験所長 教授 益田 玲爾


The forefront of environmental DNA research

Laboratory of Coastal Fisheries Ecology Professor Reiji Masuda

 Environmental DNA (eDNA), DNA emitted from organisms into the environment, is useful to identify species and/or to estimate biomass of target organisms. We have been developing this technology for the understanding of marine ecosystems with the collaboration of researchers in Kobe University, Ryukoku University, and others.
 Our experiments revealed that eDNA concentrations reflect abundance of fish in tanks and that eDNA is emitted from fish during both day and night. A half day survey in Maizuru Bay demonstrated that eDNA can detect most fish species recorded by underwater visual censuses for the preceding 14 years.
 We believe that eDNA will be a promising tool that enables us to test ecological hypotheses that have been impossible to be tested in conventional methods. This new technology will set a new horizon for the research on marine ecology as well as for testifying the link between terrestrial and marine systems.

FSERC Topics 2020年7月