Oiwake-cho, Kitashirakawa, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8502
Tel. +81-75-753-6457 Fax. +81-75-753-2264Chief, Professor
TATENO, Ryunosuke, D.Agr. (Kyoto Univ.), Forest Ecology (Nutrient cycling, Plant N use, Carbon allocation, Gene flow etc)
This station is composed of a nursery (0.3ha) and an arboretum (0.7ha) on the northern campus of the University. The main study is the experimental cultivation of native and foreign trees. Many researchers and students utilize the Experimental Nursery for their investigations and fieldwork.
URL : https://fserc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/wp/kitashirakawa/
Access The station located on the Kyoto University, Yoshida North Campus. [Getting to Campus] * Kitashirakawa Experimental Station (No.27) |