砂のすきまに棲む小型甲殻類を研究する/Research on the small crustaceans living in the interstitial environment

English follows Japanese

基礎海洋生物学分野/瀬戸臨海実験所長 准教授 下村 通誉


Research on the small crustaceans living in the interstitial environment

Laboratory of Marine Biology Associate Professor Michitaka Shimomura

 Various animals live in gaps between sand grains on beaches, where we enjoy bathing without noticing such small lives. Absence of eyes, and small size and slender body shape are some unique characteristics of these animals for adapting to the interstitial environment.
 I found many unknown interstitial crustaceans around the coasts of Japan. Research on the interstitial faunas is progressing in Europe and the United States. In Japan, research on interstitial organisms began around 1980. By comparing the interstitial faunas between Japan and the world, I would like to reveal the individuality of the fauna in Japan.

FSERC Topics 2022年9月