林床の名もなきヒーロー達に光をあてる/Highlight nameless heroes in forest floors

English follows Japanese

森林情報学分野/副センター長/上賀茂試験地長 教授 舘野 隆之輔


Highlight nameless heroes in forest floors

Laboratory of Forest Information Professor Ryunosuke Tateno

 In forest ecosystems, nutrients such as nitrogen circulate in various forms. Soil microbes such as bacteria and fungi play a crucial role in nutrient cycling and transformation in forest ecosystems. Just in 1 gram of soils, there are more than 1 billion bacteria belonging to thousands to tens of thousands of species, most of which are unculturable and therefore unidentified in terms of types and functions. Our group is tackling to clarify the relationship between soil microbes and nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems by collecting DNA samples of microbes from various forest soils and by determining the types and functions of microbes contained in the soils using a next-generation sequencer that can determine huge numbers of DNA sequences simultaneously.

Topics 2022年9月