ICM International Symposium 

“International Symposium on Integrated Coastal Management For Marine Biodiversity in Asia” will be held on Jan 14-Jan 15, 2010 at Kyoto TERRSA (Kyoto, Japan) . 海域陸域統合管理学研究部門が、アジアの海洋生物多様性のための海域陸域統合統合管理学に関する国際シンポジウムを、2010年1月14-15日、京都テルサで開催しました。


日 程:2010年1月14日(木)~15日(金)
会 場:京都テルサ第1~第3セミナー室
主 催:京都大学フィールド科学教育研究センター
助 成:日本財団

Themes for the Symposium

Session A
    Loss of marine biodiversity and complex habitats
   - Understanding the impact of the loss of interactions among complex coastal
    habitats to marine biodiversity
   - Climate change threat to biodiversity
   - Invasive species versus native species

Session B
    Connection and disruption of land and coastal marine ecosystems
   - Emphasizing the importance of the connection of terrestrial and coastal marine
   - Importance of a landscape research studies from land to sea
   - Land-use and biodiversity
   - Human-made structures that disrupt connections

Session C
    Conservation and restoration of biodiversity:
    Present and future of Marine Protected Areas (MPA)
   - How MPAs increase marine biodiversity
   - Success and failures of MPAs in Asia
   - The need for “land to sea” MPAs

Session D
    Role of NGO and Education in Linking the Gap Between Nature and People
   - Multi-sectoral collaboration for biodiversity targets
   - The power of the common and young people
   - Mobilizing scientific expertise for policy-making
   - New approaches for sustainable development
   - Economic incentives for biodiversity?


詳しい内容はプログラムパンフレット(pdf) をご覧下さい。(please see this pdf file for more information)
海域陸域統合管理学研究部門による旧ページURI http://fserc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/icm/symposium2.html