Zahra Salmanさん(D1)が令和6年度乾燥地科学共同研究発表賞を受賞

Zahra Salmanさん(D1)が令和6年度乾燥地科学共同研究発表賞を受賞

At the 2024 Joint Research Symposium held at the Arid Land Research Center, Tottori University, on December 7-8, 2024, Ms. Zahra Salman (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, D1) was awarded the Presentation Award.

The awarded presentations are as follows.
Microbial diversity in the rhizosphere of mangrove ecosystems in the United Arab Emirates by Zahra Salman(GSGES, Kyoto univ.), Henda Mahmoudi(International Center of Biosaline Agriculture), Ryunosuke Tateno(FSERC, Kyoto univ.) et al.

The research is focusing on the spatiotemporal variation of rhizosphere microbial communities, which are important for material cycling and plant productivity in mangrove ecosystems. The study aims to clarify the factors that affect microbial diversity in mangrove forests spanning the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Gulf on the eastern and western sides of the United Arab Emirates. In her presentation, an overview of the project and details of the soil chemistry affecting soil microorganisms were reported.

The results will be posted on the Arid Land Research Center’s website.

2024(令和6)年12月7-8日に鳥取大学乾燥地研究センターで開催された令和6年度鳥取大学乾燥地研究センター共同研究発表会において、地球環境学舎生態系連環論分野の博士1年のZahra Salmanさんがポスター発表を行い、令和6年度乾燥地科学共同研究発表賞を受賞しました。

「Microbial diversity in the rhizosphere of mangrove ecosystems in the United Arab Emirates(アラブ首長国連邦のマングローブ生態系における根圏微生物の多様性)」
Zahra Salman(京都大学・地球環境学舎)・Henda Mahmoudi(International Center of Biosaline Agriculture)舘野隆之輔(京都大・フィールド研)ほか。

