生物多様性と有性生殖の知られざる関係に迫る/Revealing the hidden relationship between sex and biodiversity

English follows Japanese

森林情報学分野 講師 小林 和也


Revealing the hidden relationship between sex and biodiversity

Laboratory of Forest Information Junior Associate Professor Kazuya Kobayashi

Sexual reproduction is a ubiquitous phenomenon on the earth, although it requires to invest in male function (sons or pollen) that cannot contribute to population growth. If the natural selection had chosen the way of reproduction based solely on efficiency, all organisms would have converged on asexual reproduction. This paradox has been a long-lived mystery for evolutionary biologists. Another aspect of sexual reproduction is a source of diversity. Since Darwin’s era, some traits of males have been considered useless for survival but beneficial for mating: singing songs and wearing beautiful feathers to attract females, or armed by weapons to fight with conspecific males. The natural world is filled with a wide variety of such sexual traits but the mechanism sustaining these diversity is also a large mystery for ecologists. I’m challenging to solve these mysteries with theoretical and empirical approaches.

FSERC Topics 2018年7月