林床での菌類の生活に思いを馳せる/How are the residents of hero towns in the forest determined ?

林床での菌類の生活に思いを馳せる/How are the residents of hero towns in the forest determined ?

English follows Japanese
森林情報学分野/北海道研究林 助教 杉山 賢子

 森林における菌類の役割については前回(2022年)のFSERC Topicsでも紹介がありました。林床のシュテルンビルトでの生活、きのこを見るたび想像せずにいられません。

How are the residents of hero towns in the forest determined ?

Laboratory of Forest Information, Assistant Professor, Yoriko Sugiyama

 When I was a child, I was curious about how mushrooms live, which led me to study fungal ecology. As you may have read in the last FSERC Topics (2022), fungi are the heroes that play important roles in the forest ecosystems. Given such importance, “you should tell me to build” the resident lists of these hero towns*, and that is exactly what I am doing now in Hokkaido Forest Research Station. Various processes are involved in determining fungal species composition in forests, and among them, limitations in fungal dispersion and colonization are of importance. By comparing the fungal resident lists across stands in the station, I aim to reveal how dispersal and colonization limitations are shaping hero towns.

 * “making fungal species lists in the forest is important” would be a better description, but I dare to use the phrase “you should tell me to build” as a quote from a song about heroes. I like that song and I covered it on bass.

FSERC Topics 2024年9月